Monday, February 22, 2010

#006 - Jess E. James Personal Profile

Jess E. James
Hometown:  New Florence, MO (currently living at the Montgomery County Detention Center in Montgomery City, MO)
Telephone #:  Temporarily disconnected
Email address:  Send snail mail c/o Montgomery County Detention Center, Montgomery City, MO.
Age:  59
Height:  5' 10"
Weight:  165 lbs (without beard)
Body build:  Lost some weight because the food in here sucks!
Hair color:  Mostly grey.
Eye color:  Brown.
Occupation:  Career jailbird.
Seeking:  Thirty-something, hard-body hottie who has the money to bail me out of jail and hire a Philadelphia lawyer.
Photo(s): One photo attached.

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